Corporate information
The CRR reviews and sets its strategy every three years. The strategy is developed with staff and stakeholder consultation and directs the focus of the Commissions activities and development during the life of the strategy.
The current Commission Statement of Strategy can be seen here.
Our Mission
The CRR is committed to advancing railway safety, through effective regulation, and by fostering and encouraging the continuous improvement in safety management by railway organisations. It advocates the participation of all stakeholders in the further development of Ireland’s rail sector so that it is a safe and efficient mode of transport that benefits our society.
Our Vision
Safe and sustainable railways that provide efficient and convenient transport for society.
Strategic Priorities
Priority: Rail safety
Regulate and promote the continuous improvement of safety performance by railway organisations.
Priority: Railway regulation
Effective regulation and monitoring of the Infrastructure Manager in relation to its funding of and expenditure on asset management and network access.
Priority: Support to government
To support government public transport policy initiatives directed at the needs of society by ensuring their safe implementation through effective and efficient regulation.
Priority: Communication with stakeholders
Promote awareness and understanding of current and emerging risks and developments in national and European railway legislation and guidance.
Priority: Our organisation
Be a high performing organisation delivering quality and value in what we do.
Annual Reports
The CRR prepares and publishes an annual report each year. The report describes the work delivered by the CRR over that calendar year with reference to the targets set in its annual work plan for that year.
As per statutory requirements, by 31st March each year the report is presented to the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport who formally lay it before the Oireachtas. It is then published by the CRR on our website.
Financial Statements
The CRR also keeps financial accounts and these are audited each year by the Comptroller and Auditor General. The accounts are also laid before the Oireachtas.
Both the Annual Report and Financial Statements can be viewed on our publications page.
Corporate Governance
Further information on FoI, Acess to Information on the environment, Data Protection, Customer Charter, Code of Ethics and Payment Procedures can be found here.